Friday, May 11, 2012

Golden Rays

The soft breeze rustled her dark ebony waves. She reached up with slender fingers to brush them off her face. She sat unmoving as the darkness enveloped her completely. She had been afraid it would stretch on for eons until she could bear it no more. But she turned her eyes towards the east and saw a delicate orange shimmer along the horizon.

The radiant colours slowly crept up above the horizon, reds and yellows to diffuse into the orange.  The black gave way to a bleak, grey sky that lasted a few moments. The flaming orb finally made its appearance as a pinprick of white hot light shot into view. The grey skies fled in the presence of this pure light.

As she watched the beautiful blue being unveiled as the sun rose higher and higher, her heart lifted. She pulled her cloak around tighter, a beaming smile playing on her lips. She looked heavenward, whispering a soft word of heartfelt gratitude. A new day had just been born and no traces of the precedent darkness to be seen, except for the faint memory. It would come again, but she knew that there will be a dawn without fail. That was how the world was created. That was how it would continue. And that was how she would live, one day at a time.

Everything was going to be just fine...

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